
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Kristi's third birthday

I'm still scanning and collecting old photos for my parent's Golden Anniversary celebration in August. My mom sent me these and they make me smile so I wanted to share them.
From Kristi's third birthday
From Kristi's third birthday
From Kristi's third birthday
From Kristi's third birthday

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

AG Bell Celebrates 40+ years

Well, it seems my "thing" for old photos can't help but rear its head at my job, too.

Our school's former librarian was subbing a couple of months ago and rediscovered slides from the late 60's and early 70's. Before I could stop myself I heard myself saying, "Oh, I could probably get those scanned". (Thanks, Dad, for loaning me your film and slide scanner).

Then we decided since our school missed its 40th birthday, we should have a birthday celebration assembly for our students in conjunction with our end-of-year family barbecue. When I posted on Facebook that alumni were welcome to come to our lunch time barbecue, I heard from many, "I'd love to come to my old school but can't make it in the middle of the day" I heard myself say to the principal that I could host an open house in the late afternoon. Then when a former parent notified me that she had done a history timeline from 1967-1992 and that she would swing it by for me, it became quite obvious that I needed to recreate the school's history from then until now (I'm still working on it).

But, yeah, I still have students and the real part of my job which is culminating with the normal end-of-year craziness, too. Good times.

Here are some of our vintage slides

And a few "Then and Now" shots. I hope to add to this.