
Friday, June 24, 2011

East Channel Bridge Removal

I found some photos I took of the East Channel bridge being removed.  I think these were taken about May 1982.  I'm not sure when this version was built.  History Link has some information here about the first bridge in that location opening in 1923 and refers to a newer bridge being completed by 1940 when they removed the 1923 one. So I think this bridge was built sometime in the 30's.
From Bellevue 1979
From Bellevue 1979
From Bellevue 1979
Anyone remember how long they had to close down this portion of I-90 between Belleve and Mercer Island?

Here's a great post by Kurt Clark on the Lacey V. Murrow and Homer M. Hadley floating bridges which continues I-90 from the west side of Mercer Island over to Seattle.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Classic Chevy for Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!

I was trying to resist but succumbed and purchased more old "American Home" magazines on E-bay.  They just arrived yesterday and make me smile.  For Father's Day, I just had to share some classic Chevy advertisements.  Love, love, LOVE them!!!  I recall growing up our family had a Corvair and a Chevy at one time or another. (As usual click on the image and then look for the magnifying glass near the top of the page to see them larger)
From Vintage Goodness

From Vintage Goodness


From Vintage Goodness


From Vintage Goodness