
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Seattle Snow

Still snowing in the Seattle area! has an interesting article on past Seattle snow storms .

I found a newspaper clipping from page 3 of the February 6, 1916 Seattle Sunday Times that my grandmother-in-law, Maren saved in her scrapbook from the 1916 storm. (click on the photo for a clearer view)

From Maren Nielsen Andersen's album

The photo caption reads
"Seattle Snow scene 1916: "Snow aids live-wire Seattle business men to advertise goods and humorous abilities - Snow Mound and Advertising placards. Enormous piles of snow in Seattle streets have given up-to-date advertisers and jokesmiths opportunity to call attention to their wares and also comment on abnormal weather conditions. In the picture a snowpile in front of the Pioneer Printing Company's plant, Fourth Ave. and Marion St., is shown with some chatty advertising signs adorning its top, and at the right under the sign "Old Snow" is B. L. Swezea of the printing concern.
Similarly decorated piles are to be found throughout the downtown district advertising everything from “Spareribs, 13c Per Pound,” to some wag’s impression of snow in Washington, which read “This Is the Evergreen State – What?
An enterprising cosetiere on Second Avenue had several boxes bearing illustrations of her goods stuck in the top of a snowpile near the entrance to her store, and nearly every business house accepted the opportunity to have some advertising matter so displayed that passersby might realize that store was still in business."

Monday, January 16, 2012

Something to warm you

There's snow in the Pacific Northwest lowlands!  And we're even expecting more.  No more settling for vintage ads with snow and ice .

Soup and cocoa to warm you on a wintry day

From Vintage Goodness
(January 24, 1959 - Saturday Evening Post)

From Vintage Goodness
(February 1959 American Home Magazine)

From Vintage Goodness
(February 1961 American Home Magazine)

From Vintage Goodness
(December 1967 American Home Magazine)

Have fun in the snow! 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Fifth Birthday Party

I'm celebrating a milestone birthday today. I suppose it makes me even more nostalgic than other times when I decide to visit vintage.

My fifth birthday party. Classic games like London Bridge

and pin the tail on the tiger (?)

Bubble pipes for party favors.  The cake stand was a music box, you turned the plate to make it play. I believe my crown says "Happy New Year"

Some of my gifts:
Jumpin' Mrs. Potato Head!

and I remember the rubbery brown "wig" on top of the piano here

And I still have a book I received that birthday - Dr. Seuss' Happy Birthday to You!  I read it several years to my kids on their birthdays.
From Visiting Vintage
You can peek inside some of the pages on Amazon.

Too many birthdays to remember them all but old photos sure help.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Snow in January 1959 ads

In the beautiful Pacific Northwest lowlands we aren't guaranteed snow every winter.  So far this year none.  But I'm enjoying some snow and ice based images from the January 24, 1959 Saturday Evening Post

From Vintage Goodness
From Vintage Goodness
(not sure what skiing and smoking have to do with each other but I kinda liked the vintage gloves)
From Vintage Goodness
From Vintage Goodness
From Vintage Goodness