
Monday, May 28, 2012

Kellogg's Rice Krispies

To follow up on the Kellogg's Corn Flakes post a few weeks ago, enjoy these Kellogg's Rice Krispies' ads.  The elf-like mascots, Snap, Crackle and Pop first appeared in the 1930s.  Here they are quite jolly in 1942

August 1942 "The American Home" magazine

War continues.  Their noses are smaller and while still smiling, they've traded their sports gear for rifles and look a little more aggressive in 1943

August 1943 "The American Home" magazine 

At some point within the next twelve years, they spiffed up the box art and happy children enjoy listening to their breakfast cereal talking.

April 4, 1955 Life Magazine

May 9, 1955 Life Magazine

June 6, 1955 Life Magazine

June 27, 1955 Life Magazine

1956 & 1957 ads tout the low-cal nourishment

March 26, 1956 Life Magazine

March 11, 1957 Life Magazine

A change again in box art 1958

June 2, 1958 Life Magazine

According to Wikipedia, Kellogg's Rice Krispies was promoted on TV by Woody Woodpecker. They all appear together here in print in 1959

April 27, 1959 Life Magazine

May 25, 1959 Life Magazine

New box art again by 1961

March 24, 1961 Life Magazine

June 28, 1963 Life Magazine

A few commercials found on Youtube

Now I've got a hankering for Rice Krispies treats!

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Marines' Hymn

I have a stack of old sheet music of my grandmother's. I wanted to share The Marines' Hymn in honor of Memorial Day Weekend.

copyright MCMXLII - 1942

I was not familiar with the second verse

This is the back cover the score - I think it'd be very cool to have old sheet music of the Star Spangled Banner!

The Armed Forces Hymnal is also with the collection of family music. I'll have to ask my Dad if it was from when he was in the army in the late 50s early 60s since there is no date on the inside. The table of contents lists a Catholic Section, Jewish Section and Protestant Section.

Please take time to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedom.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Vintage Jewelry

Need a Mother's Day gift idea?  I know a lot of moms (for that matter, non-mothers, too) who think vintage jewelry makes a lovely gift!
Jewels by Trifari (a few blog posts over here and an E-bay guide here)

March 28, 1960 Life Magazine

May 2, 1955 Life Magazine

March 16, 1959 Life Magazine

June 1, 1959 Life Magazine
So pretty! Coro (brief info on Wikipedia here)

March 16, 1962 Life Magazine

May 23, 1955 Life Magazine
(this ad is for Pond's Angel Face make-up but these necklaces must be shared!)

February 17, 1961 Life Magazine

**UPDATED More beautiful Vintage Jewelry ads!**

Monday, May 7, 2012

Lady in Waiting

Mother's Day is approaching. Glamorous mothers-to-be are featured in Mennen 1950s advertisements, "to every Lady-in-Waiting"

January 1957 Life Magazine
This seems to be inspired by Marilyn Monroe from "Seven Year Itch" 1955

February 1957 Life Magazine
From the same photo shoot for their ad a month later

March 11, 1957 Life Magazine

March 25, 1957 Life Magazine

January 20, 1958 Life Magazine

February 17, 1958 Life Magazine

March 24, 1958 Life Magazine

March 16, 1959 Life Magazine

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Opening Day Regatta

A couple of vintage postcards for the Opening Day of boating season here in Seattle

"Mountlake Bridge Opens to allow the passage of hundreds of boats on their way to Lake Washington for the opening of the annual regatta which is a feature of the Seattle's Seafare (sic) Celebration C-416 Ektachrome by Josef Scaylea"

"Seattle - Great Boating Center. Boats gather in Portage Bay for opening day regatta on Lake Washington - a yearly event. Seattle Yacht Club at right, University of Washington campus in background. Ektachrome by Josef Scaylea"

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Kellogg's Corn Flakes

According to their timeline, Kellogg's first used the Kellogg's name about May 1st, 1907.  So "Happy 105th Birthday" to the Kellogg's product name.  Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flakes were produced in 1906
"Production of Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes™ begins at W.K. Kellogg's newly formed Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flakes Co. "
Flaked cereal had been accidentally invented by a couple of Kellogg brothers in the mid 1890s as a food source for the diet regimen of Seventh Day Adventist vegetarians and served to sanitarium patients.

Kellogg's Corn Flake boxes in the mid 50's boasted the artwork of Norman Rockwell

"I bin robbed"

March 7, 1955 Life Magazine

"'tain't funny, McGee"

April 18, 1955 Life Magazine

"Me and my big heart"

May 16, 1955 Life Magazine

"Everybody's always running out of Kellogg's Corn Flakes"

June 13, 1955 Life Magazine

"The morning sun shines on more bowls of Kellogg's Corn Flakes more than any other cereal"

March 12, 1956 Life Magazine

I don't have any 1957 Kellogg's Corn Flake ads, yet but in 1958, Norman Rockwell is no longer the box cover art.
"All the good things Nature puts in to corn . . . you get out of Kellogg's Corn Flakes"

February 10, 1958 Life Magazine

"We wrote our name all over our new packages so you'd be sure of getting the real thing . . . Kellogg's Corn Flakes the best liked, most eaten cereal in this whole hungry world"

March 17, 1958 Life Magazine

May 5, 1958 Life Magazine

"The best to you each morning" The rooster mascot is named "Cornelius" (Corny) - he first appeared in 1957 according to the timeline link above.

January 12, 1959 Life Magazine

An apparent message to the Missus, "Foresight can be fun. If you want to be taken out in the evening, don't run out in the morning"

February 2, 1959 Life Magazine

April 6, 1959 Life Magazine

In my opinion there's something Rockwellian about the photoshoots for some of these ads.

June 1, 1959 Life Magazine

June 29, 1959 Life Magazine

February 29, 1960 Life Magazine

March 14, 1960 Life Magazine

Yogi Bear "What's the good word, bird?"

February 24, 1961 Life Magazine

"Ideal for light housekeeping" "Pick up a spare, says Yogi Bear"

March 16, 1962 Life Magazine

"Little boy blue come blow your horn, the sheep's in the meadow An' your little brudder is in the corn flakes again" "P.S. see your library for original poem . . . see your grocer for the original Corn Flakes"

March 1, 1963 Life Magazine

"Oh! somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light. And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout But there is no joy in Mudville - for the Corn Flakes are fresh out" "P.S. see your library for original poem . . . see your grocer for the original Corn Flakes"

April 5, 1963 Life Magazine

"Blessings on thee, little man, barefoot boy with cheeks full of Kellogg's Corn Flakes" "P.S. see your library for original poem . . . see your grocer for the original Corn Flakes"

April 19, 1963 Life Magazine