
Monday, February 18, 2013

Presidents in Seattle

Happy President's Day!

The first President of the U. S. of A. to travel west of the Rockies while in office was Rutherford B. Hayes. Read more at HistoryLink. According to HistoryLink, he visited Seattle in 1880.
According to my postcard, he was here in 1881

"President Hayes addressing Seattle's entire population in 1881 where Hotel Seattle now stands c. 1911"

U.S. President Warren G. Harding makes his last speech in Seattle on July 27, 1923. Read more at HistoryLink
My Grandmother-in-Law, Maren Nielsen Andersen, snapped this photo of his car

Many more Presidents have come out to Seattle - I'm enjoying seeing the photos others are sharing.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Peter Hawley

If you're "in" to mid-century advertising, you probably have seen many of Peter Hawley's illustrations. Jantzen, American Greeting Cards, movie poster art, Bell Telephone and more.

I think he must have been a very private person.  I can't find many biographical details but enjoyed some tidbits about him on "Today's Inspiration" Pete Hawley: No doubt, the envy of his peers! and Pete Hawley's Fabulous 50's and Pete Hawley: Betsy Bell Ushers In the 60's.
I found a simple gravestone on Find-A-Grave (and was disappointed he's not included in their "Famous Grave Search").  The Social Security Death index indicates he was born July 13, 1916 and died 17 years ago today on February 15, 1996.  So I'd like to remember him today by sharing some of his Betsy Bell illustrations.

January 20, 1958 Life Magazine

May 19, 1961 Life Magazine

June 23, 1961 Life Magazine

September 8, 1961 Life Magazine

April 20, 1962 Life Magazine

June 15, 1962 Life Magazine (also found July 4, 1960 and June 9, 1961 Life Magazines but I wanted to embed the one that mentioned the Seattle World's Fair!)

August 3, 1962 Life Magazine

September 21, 1962 Life Magazine

March 8, 1963 Life Magazine

June 14, 1963 Life Magazine

September 6, 1963 Life Magazine

I've previously posted his Jantzen ads here (May 9, 1955 Life Magazine, May 23, 1955 Life Magazine, and June 20, 1955 Life Magazine)

Check out this extensive Pete Hawley collection on flickr

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Well, you know how I like to celebrate holidays . . . finding retro-rific Life Magazine ads!

Lane Cedar Hope Chests

January 31, 1955 Life Magazine

Eating out gives life hearts a lift! Swift's Premium

February 8, 1960 Life Magazine

Win her heart - give her Schrafft's (you may win a Lark, too)

February 3, 1961 Life Magazine

Zing! Only coke gives you that REFRESHING NEW FEELING

February 16, 1962 Life Magazine

Manhattan Peppermint print pajamas - tasty treat for any Valentine.

February 13, 1956 Life Magazine

Give your beau an Arrow

February 3, 1958 Life Magazine

7 Hearts Bid for your lady's heart with Johnston Candies (Red Supreme $35.00??!!)

February 3, 1958 Life Magazine

Norcross Valentines say the things you want to say

February 3, 1958 Life Magazine

When you care enough to send the very best - Hallmark Cards

February 10, 1958 Life Magazine

February 8, 1960 Life Magazine

It's wise to wire on all happy occasions - Western Union Telegram

February 10, 1958 Life Magazine

Lennox - it's wonderful! Heating and Air Conditioning

February 15, 1960 Life Magazine

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Chun King

Happy Chinese New Year!

I found an interesting bit of history on Chun King and its founder here. Jeno Paulucci was the son of Italian immigrants noticing a market for take-home food flavored from the Orient.
Mr. Paulucci became fascinated with the legumes and the fact that they could grow year-round despite Minnesota’s harsh winters. He began cultivating his own stock and selling the sprouts to restaurants as a salad ingredient.
Passing through towns hawking his bean sprouts, Mr. Paulucci saw many Chinese food restaurants but noticed that most grocery stores didn’t offer any prepared Asian dishes.
“The food industry was missing the boat, allowing restaurants to handle all the take-home business,” he once said.
He came up with his own chop suey recipe by canning his sprouts and adding bits of celery, pimentos and an Italian herb mixture suggested by his mother.
In 1947, he was loaned $2,500 from a friend and started Chun King. Beginning in 1960, he hired radio comedian Stan Freberg to host the “Chun King Chow Mein Hour” in honor of the Chinese New Year.
Despite what you might think of the authenticity of Chun King grocery store items, I'm saluting "The American Way" entrepreneurship  and the blending of cultures to create a successful market for a product.

Enjoy these mid-century Chun King ads:

November 4, 1957 Life Magazine

December 16, 1957 Life Magazine

January 27, 1958 Life Magazine

March 31, 1958 Life Magazine

June 23, 1958 Life Magazine

July 21, 1958 Life Magazine

August 18, 1958 Life Magazine

September 15, 1958 Life Magazine

October 20, 1958 Life Magazine

November 10, 1958 Life Magazine

December 8, 1958 Life Magazine

January 12, 1959 Life Magazine

Just in time for Lent!

March 16, 1959 Life Magazine

June 22, 1959 Life Magazine

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Vintage Valentines

Happy Valentine's Day!

Mailed 1907

"Valentine Greetings - I send this card so you can see You've surely got a pull with me."

Mailed 1909

"Valentine Greetings. Life's rough places I will smooth, Pains and aches and troubles soothe."

"To My Valentine - In choosing mates let's you and I, Put all our trust in Cupid sly; Who reads our hears - And knows that mine, Was made for you - My Valentine."

Mailed 1914

"Valentine Remembrance - Open your door and let me in, Though but a merry rhyme, I come from one who hopes to win A deeper thought in time!"

"Valentine Wishes. My whole affection is set upon you. Please say you like me a little bit too."

mailed 1910. "To my Sweetheart. I love you, sweetest Valentine, To tell you let me dare, And we shall be, if you'll be mine, A very happy (pear)"

They sure don't write 'em like they used to! :)