
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Vintage Floral Cards

More pretty, vintage cards from the collection of Maren Nielsen Andersen. Spring and flowers.

According to Google Translate "hjaertelig lykønskning" means "Cordial Greeting" in Danish.

"Nature's Jewel.
Art thou a child of mortal birth Whose happy home is on our earth? Or, art though, what thy form would seem, The phantom of a blessed dream?"

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Seattle World's Fair postcards

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the Seattle World's Fair opening. The Space Needle's saucer was been temporarily painted original "Galaxy Gold" (that would be "orange" to us regular folk) earlier this week in honor of this grand occasion.

I'm growing my World's Fair postcard collection and wanted to share.

"The Space Needle Seattle, Washington. It rises to the height of 600 feet and is topped by a restaurant which revolves 360 degrees every hour. About 260 persons can be served. An observation deck and snack service is also atop the Needle for those who wish to feast mostly on the tremendous scenic panorama. C-719 Ektachrome by Clifford B. Ellis"

"Two symbols of modern times. The sleek Monorail, first of its kind in America, swiftly whisks visitors to the Seattle World's Fair grounds and back to beautiful downtown Seattle. Like a sentinel watching, stands the 600 foot Space Needle.  Color photo by Max R. Jensen"

I would be thrilled if you shared links with me of blogs or uploaded photos or postcards of the Seattle World's Fair.

Here are a few I have come across

astro launch 1962 Seattle World's Fair

azzurrolou 1962 Century 21 Exposition Seattle World's Fair


Seattle Municipal Archives Century 21 & Seattle Center

Smith Family Slide Scans - Reel 2 - Seattle World's Fair June, 1962

What Makes the Pie Shops Tick 1962 Seattle World's Fair


Mister Here (From Way Out There) - 1962 Seattle World's Fair

Pike Family - Seattle World's Fair 1962

Seattle World's Fair 1962 - "Century 21 Calling"

Thursday, April 12, 2012

National Library Week

It's National Library Week!

There's an "AD for that" (a vintage one)

April 13, 1959 Life Magazine

I have wonderful memories of the library.

The first library I remember was a converted old brick church in Bellevue - I think I recall that some of the shelves were cardboard that sagged under the weight of the books. When my mom told me they were building a brand new one, I pictured myself helping them walk the books down the hill to the new digs.

I remember somewhat sadly finishing all the Laura Ingalls Wilder books and not knowing what to read next, the children's librarian helped me select one about Helen Keller and I then realized I liked biographies.

When my son was three and started weekly allergy shots, we first stopped at our local library and picked out ten new picture books each time so we had something to look forward to while we waited the required time to see if he'd have a reaction to the shot.

I recently started working in a high school library and it's very satisfying connecting students with materials they want for leisure or need for academics. I wish they would use the library more!

Some believe easily accessible information found on the web is replacing the need for libraries. It's true libraries must adapt to the needs and preferences of their patrons and this gets more and more difficult as budgets get cut. Libraries and library systems are a rich resource that if we don't support and allow to flourish will leave a huge hole in our culture.

Visit the American Library Association and At Your Library for more information about National Library Week.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Western Union Easter Greetings

It's awesome when a company can stay in business through the decades. Founded in 1851,  Western Union has been in business during three different centuries - that's even better! I enjoyed the scene in one of the Back to the Future movies where Doc who traveled back to 1855 had Western Union keep a letter in their Hill Valley office and instructed them who, where and when to deliver it in 1955. Of course they had to make business practice changes when the telegraph system became moot but it made me smile yesterday when I walked by their counter at a grocery store and heard someone needing their services for wiring money.

Back in the 50s they advertised sending Easter Greetings by telegram

April 4, 1955 Life Magazine

March 26, 1956 Life Magazine
Celebrity endorser Lucille Ball!

April 15, 1957 Life Magazine

March 31, 1958 Life Magazine

Easter Greetings to those of you celebrating!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Easter fun

Pretty desserts, dying eggs, or giving gifts are fun, festive, joyful ways to celebrate Easter

McCormick and Schilling "Puts a Richer, finer flavor in your Easter Parade of desserts!"

March 26, 1956 Life Magazine
"Entertaining ideas for April by Betty Crocker"

April 1957 American Home Magazine
 McCormick and Schilling "For the gayest Easter Eggs . . .for Tastier Cakes"

March 24, 1958 Life Magazine
"Where candy rates a thank you, Whitman's Sampler rates a kiss"

April 5, 1963 Life Magazine

Have a Joyful Easter!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Washington DC Cherry Blossoms

My daughter is in Washington DC with a group of other Junior High students.  It is the midst of the National Cherry Blossom Festival and Washington DC is celebrating one hundred years of the gift of trees.
In 1912, an incredible gift of 3,000 cherry blossom trees was bestowed on Washington, DC by Tokyo, Japan. Rooted strongly and surviving outside elements, the trees have withstood the test of time
I still don't know if my daughter will get to (or has already) participated in any of the cherry blossom festivities.  But here are some vintage Washington DC cherry blossom ads that will have to hold me over until I can hear about her trip.
Pepsi Cola

April 13, 1959 Life Magazine

Kodak film

April 5, 1963 Life Magazine

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Easter Ham

Will you be getting together with family for a big Easter meal? A brief internet search indicates that since traditional lamb (which would be something Jesus ate when He most definitely did NOT eat pork) wasn't readily available, ham was the preferred alternative.
In the United States, ham is a traditional Easter food. In the early days, meat was slaughtered in the fall. There was no refrigeration, and the fresh pork that wasn't consumed during the winter months before Lent was cured for spring. The curing process took a long time, and the first hams were ready around the time Easter rolled around. Thus, ham was a natural choice for the celebratory Easter dinner.
Mid 1950s ads for Easter ham (and pineapple)
Rath Black Hawk Meats

April 4, 1955 Life Magazine

April 4, 1955 Life Magazine
 Del Monte

April 4, 1955 Life Magazine

March 26, 1956 Life Magazine

March 26, 1956 Life Magazine
Wilson Tender Made Ham

March 26, 1956 Life Magazine

March 26, 1956 Life Magazine
Swift Premium

March 10, 1961 Life Magazine
Enjoy your family gathering. I'll be serving ham (and a vegan alternative).