
Friday, August 28, 2009

Food Allergy Walk - Kyle Dine Event August, 22, 2009

The second annual Seattle area Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Walk was at Warren G. Magnuson Park August 22, 2009. It raised over $35,000 for FAAN - a non-profit based in Virginia that supports research and education for life-threatening food allergies and anaphylaxis.

Our Seattle area support group, WA-FEAST sponsored musician Kyle Dine to come in from Ontario for the day. I got to "chauffeur" him and this gave me even more time to spend with him and his delightful girlfriend. Immediately following the FAAN Walk, he gave a concert for the younger children. Then later in the afternoon he facilitated a team building event for Tweens and Teens about food allergy management and then early evening several of us kayaked at Lake Washington. It was a memorable day. Kyle Dine empowers children, teens and young adults through his music and his workshops. He is a LOT of fun and I realized during the day that I had really high expectations of what he would be like and he did not disappoint!

And even his last name is empowering to those with life-threatening food allergies!

He gave me permission to use one of his songs for a slideshow of the day:

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