
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Vintage Christmas Cards

From the extensive collection of my Grandmother-in-Law Maren's keepsakes, I have dozens of vintage Christmas cards from the 1920s and 1930s.  They are beautiful!  Some have messages written in Danish on the back.  If you can read Danish and can help me translate some of the messages, I would be very appreciative!  I scanned a few of the card backs and they are in my album found here.
Below are just a few Danish Christmas cards.
Glædelig jul!!!

From Vintage Danish Cards

From Vintage Danish Cards

From Vintage Danish Cards

From Vintage Danish Cards

From Vintage Danish Cards

From Vintage Danish Cards

From Vintage Danish Cards
From Vintage Danish Cards
From Vintage Danish Cards
according to Google Translate: "Now it's Christmas, oh, thank goodness! I am so glad, therefore, that God his son gave to the world; today he came to earth"
From Vintage Danish Cards
From Vintage Danish Cards

*Updated - more here
and even more here.


  1. These are gorgeous. I especially love the Saint Nick one. I like the old-style "long robe" Santas that look like wise men. I bet those girls in the last one are mailing their wish lists to the North Pole.

  2. Thanks for the comment, Matt. And the one girl looks a little concerned - maybe wondering if she'll be receiving coal instead :-)
