
Friday, December 23, 2011

More Vintage Christmas Cards

I posted several Danish vintage Christmas cards a few weeks ago.  Here are some more beauties - some with English greetings as well.
From Vintage Danish Cards
From Vintage Danish Cards
From Vintage Danish Cards
From Vintage Danish Cards
From Vintage Danish Cards
From Vintage Danish Cards
From Vintage Danish Cards
From Vintage Danish Cards

"Christmas Eve"
From Vintage Danish Cards

From Vintage Danish Cards
From Vintage Danish Cards


  1. I LOVE those Danish cards!
    My mom and I went and saw this exhibit in New York last week at Bard.... It was all vintage American Christmas Cards from 1920-60. I pretty much wanted each of them!
    Hope your Christmas was Merry!

  2. Thank you for the comment, Danielle! I'm a bit jealous you got Christmas time in NYC. And that exhibit sounds really awesome.

    I don't want to infringe on any copyrights but I'm pondering how well my scans might look as notecards. . . .

    Happy New Year! See ya!
