
Sunday, February 26, 2012


I'm not quite clear on why Lent is called Lent - there are several descriptions here about Lent being derived from words from other languages meaning fortieth and March.  Wikipedia has more information here.  During the season of Lent, many Christians choose to abstain from a luxury or even a supposed necessity to bring them in closer relationship to God and contemplative of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.  Not all Christians observe Lent by sacrificing something. Some will add something positive to their daily routine during the forty days  between Ash Wednesday and Easter to enhance their relationship with God.

I found a few ads from the 50s that market to Christians who go without meat during Lent.

Campbell's Soup

March 14, 1955 Life Magazine

Planters Peanuts

February 21, 1955 Life Magazine

Minute Rice

March 7, 1955 Life Magazine

Aunt Jemima Pancakes

March 21, 1955 Life Magazine

"Young Idea for Lent" Aunt Jemima Pancakes and Quaker Corn Meal

March 21, 1955 Life Magazine

"Liven up Lenten Meals" Downyflake waffles and Log Cabin Syrup

February 20, 1956 Life Magazine


March 5, 1956 Life Magazine


March 1957 Life Magazine

Not specifically Lenten but marketed to those eating meatless right before or during Lent
A & P

March 14, 1955 Life Magazine

February 6, 1956 Life Magazine


March 12, 1956 Life Magazine


  1. Jana, Feel free to use my vintage WA State Postcard from my blog onto your FB page. It hangs in my office at work! You should have enough info from the blog what what you need right? Lindsay Herling

  2. Thank you, Lindsay! It's an awesome postcard!
