
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Factoria Square 1987-1988

I mentioned in my last post about my Dad hiring a pilot to take us around so he could shoot aerials March 1987 in preparation for the Factoria Mervyn's Grand Opening.  Here are some of the photos he took of Factoria Square on that trip and when he went again November 1988. Be sure to click on each photo for more detail (and look for the magnifying glass icon.) Mervyn's is the largest white-roofed structure pictured below. 


Facing NE. A few visible landmarks include I 405 (cuts the lower left corner of the photo), I 90 (in the upper left), the LDS Seattle Temple in Eastgate (white structure with peak in the distance), Loehmann's Plaza, and the Cascade Mountain Range.

Facing North.  I 405 (upper left) and I 90 (horizontal) interchange

Facing East. Newport Presbyterian Church visible lower right, Sunset Elementary slightly visible top center.  Note triangular patch of brush and trees on the other side of I 405 from the church and the swath of trees upper center of photo . . .(see eighth photo)

Facing East.  Somerset visible on right.

Facing NE.  Visible are Lake Sammamish at the top, Newport High School lower right.

Facing South.  Visible are I 90 (horizontal) and I 405 Interchange, Mount Rainier in the distance, Newport Shores on the right and Somerset on the left.

At this time, my Dad doesn't quite recall why he went up again a year and a half later.  When I came across these I thought maybe the negatives were dated incorrectly but these photos clearly are during the fall and there has been some construction in the meantime.  Including Target which is the large light gray-roofed structure to the right of Mervyn's (white roof).

Facing West.  Seattle in the distant background.  The East Channel Bridge and some of the Newport Shores neighborhood are visible.

Facing West.  Compare this to the third photo - note the white stairstepped buildings in the upper left quarter, the west parking lot, Target and the new lumber structure that was the across from Target (which was the triangular patch of brush and trees described above across I 405 from Newport Presbyterian)

Similar view as above.

Facing North.  Downtown Bellevue's increasing skyline in the background.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Bellevue 1987

My Dad took photos for the Grand Opening of Mervyns in Factoria Square Spring 1987. He had a pilot take him up in a plane March 7, 1987 to get some aerial shots. I got to go along and posted my photos taken with my 35mm camera here. We've just dug up my Dad's negatives (he was shooting a medium format - 120mm) and I'm really enjoying seeing these images from a quarter century ago. I'll have more to share . . . but for today, here are some aerials of downtown Bellevue. Be sure to click on the images for more detail.

Facing East. Safeway, John Danz, Bowling Alley, and Overlake Hospital are a few buildings visible

Facing East. Bellevue Square

Facing SW. Ashwood Elementary, Hyatt Regency land being cleared for construction - Bellevue Downtown park looks like it's under construction, too.

Facing West. Hilltop Neighborhood

Facing West. Bellevue Square

Facing SE Woodridge Neighborhood

Bellevue had already started its growth spurt by 1987 but it was just the beginning!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thanksgiving Greetings

Were Thanksgiving postcards more common a century ago?  Christmas season seems to start earlier and earlier every year - I don't know if I've noticed Thanksgiving cards for sale amongst all the Christmas décor. 

Of course I love these charming vintage postcards depicting colorful turkeys, bounty, fall leaves and pilgrims:

"Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving" Mailed November 1907

"Thanksgiving Greetings" Mailed October 1908?

"A Glad Thanksgiving" Mailed October 1912

"Thanksgiving Greeting" mailed November 1923

"Thanksgiving Joys" undated

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

As much as I dislike the campaign season, I'm still very grateful for the privilege to vote.  I was eighteen in time for the 1980 presidential election and it was the last time I recall the big old-fashioned election booth that you walked inside and pulled a large lever to close a curtain behind you (which brings to mind for me the "Wizard" in the Wizard of Oz).  And then there were dozens of small levers to select your candidate or vote for or against an issue.
Thankfully we have more choices in each row

Life Savers
October 15, 1956 Life Magazine

A few more Election season ads from 1956 - recognize the artist? I read several children's books to my own kids by this illustrator

Eagleknit (Eloise Wilkin)
October 15, 1956 Life Magazine

Chase & Sanborn
October 15, 1956 Life Magazine

So Americans - Get out and vote!

Friday, November 2, 2012

University of Washington

My parents are both graduates of the University of Washington.  My husband and I and as of last year our son also graduated from there. Three generations of Huskies.

This weekend marks their 151st birthday.  From Wikipedia
UW opened officially on November 4, 1861, as the Territorial University of Washington. The following year, the legislature passed articles formally incorporating the University and establishing a Board of Regents. The school struggled initially, closing three times: in 1863 for lack of students, and again in 1867 and 1876 due to shortage of funds. . . .
 . . . The University relocated from downtown to the new campus in 1895, moving into the newly built Denny Hall. The regents tried and failed to sell the old campus, and eventually settled on leasing the area. The University still owns what is now called the Metropolitan Tract. In the heart of the city, it is among the most valuable pieces of real estate in Seattle and generates millions of US$ in revenue annually. . . .
. . . Organizers of the 1909 Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition eyed the still largely undeveloped campus as a prime setting for their world's fair. They came to an agreement with the Board of Regents that allowed them to use the campus grounds for the exposition. In exchange, the University would be able to take advantage of the development of the campus for the fair after its conclusion. This included a detailed site plan and several buildings. The plan for the A-Y-P Exposition prepared by John Charles Olmsted was later incorporated into the overall campus master plan and permanently affected the layout of the campus.
Not surprisingly, I have some old postcards that I would like to share in tribute to this special occasion.

"604 - University of Washington Campus Seattle, Washington - Library and Physics Hall, with Vista of Mt. Rainier. Just ten years after the city of Seattle was founded in 1861, the people of the territory of Washington started the University of Washington. From that day, now more than 75 years ago, the University has progressed to where it now boasts one of the most beautiful campuses in the United States. With an enrollment of 12,000 students, it ranks among the highest educational institutions in the country, and produces world famous athletic teams. Genuine Curteich-Chicago "C. T. Photocrom" Post card. C. P. Johnston Co. Seattle, Washington" Postcard mailed June 1952

"Library, University of Washington, Seattle. Natural Color K Card from Kodachrome. A Mike Roberts Color Production, Berkeley 2, Calif. Published by C. P. Johnston Co., Seattle. C3742"

"A section of the University of Washington campus at Seattle. The campus covers 582 acres, all beautifully landscaped. The building to the right is the Library and to the left Savery Hall. Ektachrome by Max. R. Jensen. Natural Color K Card from Kodachrome. a Mike Roberts Color Production. Berkeley 2, Calif. Published by C. P. Johnston Co., Seattle C5699"

"University of Washington Campus, Seattle, Wash. This view looking across Frosh Pond shows Johnson Hall Administration Bldg., Parrington Hall, Library and Physics Hall. C-409 Ektachrome by J. Boyd Ellis. Pub. by J. Boyd Ellis, Arlington, Washington 3978"

"University of Washington. This aerial view of the lower portion of the campus shows the Athletic Pavilion and Stadium. Union Bay and Lake Washington are beyond. Ektachrome by Clifford B. Ellis"