
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Ballard Locks

The U. S. Government Locks, AKA The Hiram M. Chittenden Locks AKA The Ballard Locks  are 96 years old.

From History Link
After decades of often-rancorous debate, construction of a Ship Canal to link Lake Washington and Puget Sound finally began on November 10, 1911. Following the failure of several private canal schemes, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Gen. Hiram M. Chittenden (1858-1917), advanced the project, and his name was later given to the Government Locks linking the Sound and Salmon Bay at Ballard. The canal required digging cuts between Salmon Bay and Lake Union at Fremont and between Lake Union and Lake Washington at Montlake, and building four bascule bridges at Fremont, Ballard, the University District, and Montlake. The Locks officially opened on July 4, 1917, but the canal was not declared complete until 1934.

This is the opening weekend of boating season and many are making their way through The Locks which join Puget Sound to Lake Union and then on to Lake Washington.

"No. 80 in Union Oil company's Natural Color Photographic Scenes of the West. Seattle, metropolis of the Northwest and gateway to Alaska, takes its name from an Indian chief who was friendly to the settlers who first arrived in 1851. The Ballard Locks, shown here make possible passage of deep sea ships from Puget Sound into Lake Union and Lake Washington" See the West with 76 Gasoline Copyright 1939 Union Oil Company of Calif. Made in U. S. A

"Canal Locks Second to Panama, Seattle, Washington" 74031 Tichnor Quality Views. Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Made only by Tichnor Bros., Inc., Boston, Mass. Mailed January 1944

"C2037 Government Locks, Seattle, separate Puget Sound from freshwater Lake Union and Lake Washington. Large ocean steamers easily pass through these enormous locks."  A Mike Roberts Color Production, Berkeley 2, California

"U. S. Government Locks Seattle, Washington. Second largest locks in the world. Although mighty ocean liners pass through these locks connecting Lake Union with Puget Sound, the locks will operate for even small pleasure craft as shown here."  Color by Paul L. Miller - Shostal.

"U. S. Government Locks - Seattle, Washington. Second largest locks in the world. Both mighty ocean liners and pleasure craft pass through these locks connecting Lake Union with Puget Sound." Color by Cal Harbert.

"Government Locks, Seattle, Wash. Thousands of pleasure craft as well as the largest ocean freighters pass through these locks from the waters of Puget Sound to the fresh waters of Lake Union and Lake Washington."  Ektachrome by Clifford B. Ellis. Mailed January 1970

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