
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Seattle December 1978

My favorite elective in high school was photography.  In December 1978 we took a field trip to downtown Seattle and wandered around shooting anything we wanted.  I feel a bit awkward now doing street photography and taking photographs of strangers - but being a teenager and being on assignment I guess I felt entitled to do so.  We shot black-and-white so we could process the film and develop the prints ourselves.  I took over sixty photos but most of them I had only seen in contact print size since I only enlarged a handful of them.  A few years ago I came across the negatives and took them in to be put on a CD and it was pretty exciting for me to see them big.  If these look familiar to some of you I shared them at the time with Vintage Seattle and you may have seen them there.

(Photos removed. I may post them again if I can prevent them from being shared for profit by others.)


  1. HA! I remember getting 50 cent McDonalds certificates in school as reward from teachers, AND.. you could actually buy stuff with them!!

  2. Thank-you for the comment, Darrin. And it reminded me that in these-here-parts we used to get free tickets to watch the brand new Seattle Mariners in the Kingdome if we got on honor roll!

  3. I just found your blog (because you found me first, thank you) and am delighted. I was born and raised in Seattle and am just a little older than you since I graduated in 1974. So many of these scenes look very familiar to me. How fun!

  4. What-I-Found - Thank you for the comment. I'm looking forward to more of your blog posts! I'm not a seamstress but it makes me smile seeing the old styles.

  5. Jana you just left a message for me from a blog post I did on the Seattle Department Stores during the Christmas Season. It was exiting for me to know that one of my pictures was actually photographed by you and the date! Thanks for the information about the columns being square at the Bon Marche. Good to know. I was born and raised in Seattle but left there in 1971. My what a lot of changes. Again thank you, and Merry Christmas.

  6. Thanks for stopping by, Jennie! Merry Christmas!
