
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Vintage Jewelry

Need a Mother's Day gift idea?  I know a lot of moms (for that matter, non-mothers, too) who think vintage jewelry makes a lovely gift!
Jewels by Trifari (a few blog posts over here and an E-bay guide here)

March 28, 1960 Life Magazine

May 2, 1955 Life Magazine

March 16, 1959 Life Magazine

June 1, 1959 Life Magazine
So pretty! Coro (brief info on Wikipedia here)

March 16, 1962 Life Magazine

May 23, 1955 Life Magazine
(this ad is for Pond's Angel Face make-up but these necklaces must be shared!)

February 17, 1961 Life Magazine

**UPDATED More beautiful Vintage Jewelry ads!**


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