
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thanksgiving Greetings

Were Thanksgiving postcards more common a century ago?  Christmas season seems to start earlier and earlier every year - I don't know if I've noticed Thanksgiving cards for sale amongst all the Christmas décor. 

Of course I love these charming vintage postcards depicting colorful turkeys, bounty, fall leaves and pilgrims:

"Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving" Mailed November 1907

"Thanksgiving Greetings" Mailed October 1908?

"A Glad Thanksgiving" Mailed October 1912

"Thanksgiving Greeting" mailed November 1923

"Thanksgiving Joys" undated

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!


  1. These are absolutely lovely. I'm a huge fan of vintage holiday cards, too (I'm forever pinning them to my various vintage holiday boards on Pinterest).

    Thank you very much for your lovely comment on my Thanksgiving Day outfit post this week. I really appreciate it and hope you and your loved ones have a beautiful, serene holiday.

    ♥ Jessica

  2. Thank you for commenting, Jessica. I'll have to make sure I'm following you on Pinterest!
