My Dad also took other photos around Factoria during the Grand Opening of Mervyn's March 6, 1987. Here are some of the other stores you could shop at Factoria Square March 1987. I wish there were more of these and they were all in sharp focus.
Hot Dog Emporium

Shady Lady

Newport House

Gallery T-Shirts (next to Western Optical)

Oak & Brass


Squire Shop, B Dalton's (?) on the right, Bean Pod center. I can't make out the shops on the left - can anyone remember them?

Maurice's (?), Gussini's(?) Shoes, Oak & Brass, Ralph's(?) Hallmark,

(? ?) Hairstyling for Women & Mens, Kit's Camera, Ernst in the distance

And "Opening Soon"
Claire's Boutiques

Orange Julius

Pearle Vision Center

Volume ShoeSource


Modern Woman

I'd love comments about what other shops you recall about that time.
Mr. Tux was there, down from B.Dalton's!
Right! Thank you, Cailean! I'm sure they had many ads in the Newport High School Yearbooks (and there were probably other Factoria shops that advertised there - a resource I hadn't considered for remembering other stores there . . . )
I worked at Maurice's when I was in 1991 until it closed in January 1992. Never got a paycheck--always had it spent before I got it.
Does anyone remember the store that was over between where Red Robin and the Rack are now? It had all sorts of metal sculptures and quirky stuff. It had a perpetual motion machine that fascinated me. Loved that place.
Thanks for the comment, Coach Anne. I don't remember the store but your description reminds of the metal sculptures that left an impression on me from the way-back Bellevue Arts and Craft Fair at the old Bellevue Square.
The Squire shop was the best! Only place you could find a Breezin Jacket.
There was a cool Arcade in the mall at one time. Don't forget about Pietros pizza!
I remember Pizza Haven in Factoria (where I worked on and off for 5 years!)I don't remember Pietros. I wish I had good photos of Squire Shop!
I worked at the hot dog place for a few months and at Pietros for a couple of years. Great memories of the summer of 87' hanging out with friends at the mall, 7 eleven & the theater.
Thank you for stopping by and sharing your memories.
This brings back memories, thanks for posting. Moved to Woodridge Hill in 1980 as an 11 year old. Spent a lot of time biking down there to play video games and munch out at Pizza Haven.
Thanks for stopping by, Toad!
The Coffee Merchant, which was by Lamonts, just around the corner from Claires Boutique. Expressions was a women's clothing store across from the CD shop (disc-go-round?) that my mom used to go to a lot. And it was The Tux Shop where I got my jazz choir uniform! I've never seen such great photos of the old Factoria Square! :)
Thanks for stopping by, ScreaminAtNothing - I wish my dad had taken more photos back then!
I remember going to Ernst with my dad at Factoria mall. Pietro's Pizza was over by where Nordstrom rack is and my brother worked there for a while. I also remember there was cookie shop in the mall too that sold like cookie sandwiches with frosting in the middle. I also remember going to Billy McHales, Godfathers Pizza, West Coast Video, and Pizza Time which I didn't like.
Hey anyone remember old Newport Hills with the Albertsons, the liquor store, the Hallmark card store, Dairy Queen, and I remember there was this Rich's Pizza place over where either the post office store is or the teriyaki place I cant remember. I just remember it was a small place.
my mom and I used to go to factoria mall a lot. we lived in Issaquah so we did not have to drive that far. I remember going to the bean pod restaurant after church and with my nephew and niece in 1990 or so. I also remember going to the Shady Lady to look for clothes. Lots of memories of this place . . . .
Response to the anon November 2, 2017 comment: Yes, I absolutely remember the old Albertson's in Newport Hills; my grandparents lived in Newport Hills and we lived in Newport Woods. Across the street from Albertson's was Tradewell and we shopped there a lot also. My first buzz cut was done at Smitty's barber shop. My brother worked at Rich's Pizza for a bit, and I can still recall the interior of the Hallmark shop and imagine what it smelled like inside. My sister worked at DQ in like 1984 or 1985. I still go to the Newport Hills Professional Center for my dentist appointments! Dr. Matt Pilot took over Dr. Tomberg's patients, and my orthodontist was Dr. Nordberg -in the same complex- who I heard retired a few years back.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your memories!
Newport hills drug store and a chiropractor also the video store
Newport woods also 42nd pl
My favorite place at Factoria Mall was the arcade. There was an Aliens cabinet there starting around 1990 or so that I beat one day, and I felt like I was king of the world. In retrospect, I probably spent WAY too many quarters on it (thanks, Dad!) but oh well. To an 8-9 year old video game nerd, it was a big deal. There was also a little video store (called, I believe, "The Video Store") in the strip mall at the corner of 128th and SE 38th, a few doors down from West Coast Video, that had cheap VHS and Nintendo game rentals. Also the Peking Wok - best Chinese food in town.
Can Anybody remember the name of the video arcade? It was in there in the 1980s and 1990s, and Was on the east side of the mall near the squire shop I believe!
What was the name of the arcade???
Such great memories there. Waaay too much of nostalgia gets lost. I remember the Almost Live sketch with the Factoria Squares gang or something silly that cracked me up so much.
I also remember a standalone restaurant out front that had trains that delivered your food. That was so cool.
The cutest girls lived on Summerset too
Billy McHales!
Yes! That was it! I wonder when they stopped doing that. I know there's one down in Federal Way still but they don't have the trains.
Ooooh. Also, remember Jungle Jim's in Bell Square? You could order over the radio in your table/Jeep
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