Seattle Park Postcards show some of this beauty.
Leschi Park

"4. Listening to the Band, Leschi Park, Seattle."

"A corner of Leschi Park, showing the Tennis Courts and Winding Boulevard, Lake Washington in the background. Seattle U. S. A." "A typical winter day in Seattle where the average winter temperature is 40 F. This photograph was taken March 3, 1914"
Japanese Tea Garden

"Japanese Tea Garden - University of Washington Arboretum" "The Japanese Tea Garden located in the University of Washington arboretum Seattle, Washington, encompassing 4 acres is the largest of its kind outside Japan. This authentic garden includes hand carved granite lanterns, moon viewing stand and a traditional stone face washing basin."

"University of Washington Seattle, Washington. One of the most colorful tourist attractions in Seattle is the Japanese Tea Garden located in the beautiful Arboretum - a moment for reflection."
Kinnear Park

"In Kinnear Park, Seattle, Washington"

"Rustic Pavilion in Kinnear Park Seattle, Washington"
Madrona Park

"26. Madrona Park, Seattle"
Mt. Baker Park

"Japanese Pagoda Lantern in Mt. Baker Park, Seattle, Washington - A Gift from Kojiro Matsukatu of Kobe, Japan"
Seward Park

"Seward Park, Seattle. Blossom time in Seward Park, Seattle, Washington where Japanese cherry trees bloom in gorgeous profusion about a picturesque shrine."

"Seward Park - Seattle, Wash. One of the fine city parks. This shows round flower bed and the Japanese Flowering Peach in bloom."
Volunteer Park

"1744 - Volunteer Park, Seattle, Washington"

"Volunteer Park Gardens and Seattle Art Museum." Ektachrome by J. Boyd Ellis.

"Conservatory - Volunteer Park. Seattle, Wash. The outdoor formal gardens together with the tropical flowers found in the beauty spot afford a wide range of floral display throughout the year" C-33 Ektachrome by F. W. Huhn

"Volunteer Park. One of Seattle's many beauty spots. The Seattle Art Museum may be seen just beyond the water storage reservoir. Lake Washington in the distance."