
Monday, July 1, 2013

Greetings from the State of Washington

Summer time is vacation time! My Facebook feed is full of images from folks traveling the world.

During World War 2 there was a series of postcards for servicemen to use for free. The back includes this statement:
"Greetings from the State of Washington - This card is furnished for convenience of men in the armed services by the Washington State Progress Commission, P. O. Box 907, Olympia, Washington. Write the Commission for any information desired about the state or for Victory File for use in planning your first after-war vacation"
While these are promoting tourism in to Washington state after the war since this isn't the year for an international travel vacation for me, I can look for destinations in my own backyard.

"Mount Rainier - rising 14,408 feet into the sky, Mt. Rainier is spectacularly beautiful and the crowing triumph of the Evergreen State of Washington. Here it is only two hours from sea level to ski level."

"Rosario Beach - This beach is at one of the gateways to the San Juan Islands, in the scenic State of Washington. There are 172 islands in this large group in Puget Sound."

"The Peace Arch - This peace Arch at Blaine, Washington on the international boundary between Canada and the United States, commemorates 100 years of friendship along 3,000 miles of unfortified border, between peoples of a common origin."

"Mount Saint Helens - Majestically rising above Spirit Lake in Southwest Washington, is one of the state's four major peaks in the Cascade Rage. Other are Mount Rainier, Mount Adams and Mount Baker, all over 10,000 feet."

"Columbia River - The Beautiful - Second only to the Mississippi, flows for 750 miles through the state of Washington. On the Columbia are the Grand Coulee and Bonneville dams."

"Dry Falls - Situated in Dry Falls State Park, in Central Washington, near Grand Coulee Dam, is on of the geological wonders of the world. Over the brink once roared a prehistoric falls of the Columbia, forty times greater than Niagara."

"Grand Coulee Dam - This Dam on the Columbia River in the State of Washington, is man's biggest job. It is four times larger than the Great Pyramid, and as high as the Washington Monument"

If you have shared any Washington State postcards from this series, I would love a link in the comments to see your collection.

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