
Sunday, February 6, 2011

1985 Fremont

Our first apartment was at 807 N. 40th in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle.  We lived across the street from BF Day Elementary (on the Linden Ave. side) and I loved walking in that old building when it was time to vote.  I wish I had taken more photos while we were there but I just came across the ones I DID take and wanted to share them.


  1. Great to see these, Jana. Your shots from the Aurora Bridge are now real period pieces, since they've put up the suicide-prevention fencing (and, well, because of all the other changes, too). My fave is the one of the Aurora bridge supports seen through the Fremont bridge trusses.

  2. Thank you for the nice comments, Matt!
    I wish I had taken more back then - I lived in an interesting neighborhood.
