
Monday, March 7, 2011

Project To Restore The World War 1 Memorial Monument at Bellevue's Downtown Park

(e-mail posted with permission of Robert Shay)
A follow-up to A Bellevue Reporter Story

"Lest We Forget"

An account has been established at Bank of America and has been registered with the Washington Secretary of State and the IRS as a non profit corporation.  I work full time and have to complete these tasks between other commitments. I have also been speaking with structural engineers, wood flag pole manufacturers and general contractors to get an idea of the scope and cost of the restoration. I have been working with the Battlefield Monuments Commission and Representative Dave Reichert to locate the graves of the three Eastside men who died in "The World War". To date only the grave of Victor E. Hanson has been located due to some diligent research by my daughter.
Victor E. Hanson, Private, U.S. Army
308th Infantry Regiment, 77th Division
Entered the Service from: Washington
Died: October 12, 1918
Buried at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne, France

Thank you for your commitment to make a donation in memory of these three men who made the supreme sacrifice in defense of Freedom.

Please send your donation checks to the address below. I do appreciate your help with this project, so please e-mail when you put your contribution in the mail. Please feel free to forward this e-mail to friends and family that you think might be interested in our project. If they are not in the Pacific Northwest, they may make contributions at any Bank of America branch. If they have any questions they may contact me via e-mail.

Make checks payable to: Project To Restore The WWI Memorial

Please mail to:
Robert Shay
610 123rd Ave. NE
Bellevue, WA 98005-3140

Robert Shay

Project To Restore The World War 1 Memorial Monument
In Bellevue's Downtown Park
A Washington State Chartered Non Profit Corporation

Current Memorial

A proposal to add a doughboy granite figure

More information here

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