
Monday, May 30, 2011

"Ask the neighbors in for 'burger barbecue'"

While we are eager to kick summer off this weekend, we should by no means forget what Memorial Day is all about.  Please remember to honor those who served and sacrificed for our country.

With an extra day in the weekend many choose to have a party!  Check out these vintage World War 2 era food ads (click on the image and find the magnifying glass to enlarge):

Not just for breakfast - appetizer recipes for entertaining:
From Vintage Goodness

"Ask the neighbors in for 'burger barbecue'"
From Vintage Goodness

Salad recipes to brag about:
From Vintage Goodness

From Vintage Goodness

And keep this canning calendar handy since it's almost that season:
From Vintage Goodness

And whether for your own entertaining or for the June brides in your life:
From Vintage Goodness


  1. The Shredded Ralston creeps me out sitting there in a bowl with milk and peaches, like I'm going to eat a bowlful of something I associate with Cat kibble! I gotta say, too, that food photography has come a long way.

  2. LOL! Food photography has definitely come a looong way (but I do appreciate the artists' renderings of the other products)
