
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Clean and Dry

It used to frustrate me to try to take scenic photos where I couldn't avoid cars being in the shot.  Then I noticed I really appreciated seeing old photos that DID have cars in them so I don't let myself get as bothered by them anymore since perhaps I will feel the same way about cars in my own photos in the future.

In browsing these old "The American Home" magazines issues this past week, I've realized the same thing about all the advertisements.  Reading current magazines, I've been annoyed that they are half full of ads. But now that I'm enjoying the vintage ads, I will assume that sometime in the future someone will enjoy the ads that irritate me.

These are probably four of my favorites.  I'm not alone - people framed the Swan Soap ads for wall decor.  I also notice a coupon to order the print without the ad.

Get clean and dry!
From Vintage Goodness

From Vintage Goodness

From Vintage Goodness

From Vintage Goodness


  1. I'm confused by that last image. What are we selling again? Towels, or NO towels?

  2. Jana,
    I've had the same thoughts about cars in my photos, and even the same thoughts about ads in magazines (great minds, etc...). But I can't really imagine how anyone will look back at today's car designs with anything but ennui, and the ads in magazines are so abstract and cold; hard to see what the future appeal could possibly be.

  3. Matt,

    And this is an ad in a clearly women's magazine! But, yeah, I want to be/look like her so maybe those Cannon towels are just what I need to look forward to at the end of a hard day.

    Perhaps future appeal will be about the nostalgia if not the actual ad itself.
