
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Dickie's Fourth Birthday

Happy Birthday to my Dad!  He grew up in Bremerton, Washington and I just came across these photos from his fourth birthday party taken at their house on High Ave. in August 1940 (I thought they'd complement my Fifth Birthday Party and my sister, Kristi's Third Birthday party quite well)

"Who's four years old today?!"  "Yer lookin' at 'im!"

"Eat your sandwiches before we cut the cake!"

My Dad's brother, Billy, is two boys to the right from my Dad. I know he was allergic to eggs for part of his childhood.  I don't know how long, but it might be why there are two cakes on the table for nine boys.  My Grandmother, Stella Fredrickson Hawes, gave me this recipe when I learned my own son had life-threatening allergies to milk, eggs, peanuts, and treenuts, (among other things)
Crazy Cake
1 1/2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoons soda
6 Tablespoons cocoa
Sift all together. Make three holes. In one put 1 Tablespoon vinegar, in another 1 teaspoon vanilla and the last 5 Tablespoons oil.  Over whole thing pour 1 cup cold water. Mix until smooth. Bake in moderate oven. 

A birthday coin!

Child sized garden tools

And one of my favorite photos.  A birthday parade!

Obviously this is a few years later (twenty six to be exact) - but we're back in Bremerton at his parent's house on Preble Street celebrating my Dad's thirtieth birthday. Mom made all our shirts.

Happy Birthday, Dad!


  1. That coin was 50 cents. The lady helping is Gertie Mills. Her son Melvin is the blonde kid. The top of the garage that shows behind the cherry tree in the 'parade' picture is still there. If you look carefully you can see the coal shute to the basement behind the picture with me and the garden tools.

  2. There's another photo of Melvin - it sort of looks like he's making off with your birthday loot and you're chasing him down with the garden tools!
    This one of him squinting in to the sun is cute
