According to Google Translate "hjaertelig lykønskning" means "Cordial Greeting" in Danish.

"Nature's Jewel.
Art thou a child of mortal birth Whose happy home is on our earth? Or, art though, what thy form would seem, The phantom of a blessed dream?"
Vintage, antique, retro photography, postcards, ads or other nostalgic finds. Puget Sound, King County, Seattle history & genealogy
"Nature's Jewel.
Art thou a child of mortal birth Whose happy home is on our earth? Or, art though, what thy form would seem, The phantom of a blessed dream?"
In 1912, an incredible gift of 3,000 cherry blossom trees was bestowed on Washington, DC by Tokyo, Japan. Rooted strongly and surviving outside elements, the trees have withstood the test of timeI still don't know if my daughter will get to (or has already) participated in any of the cherry blossom festivities. But here are some vintage Washington DC cherry blossom ads that will have to hold me over until I can hear about her trip.
In the United States, ham is a traditional Easter food. In the early days, meat was slaughtered in the fall. There was no refrigeration, and the fresh pork that wasn't consumed during the winter months before Lent was cured for spring. The curing process took a long time, and the first hams were ready around the time Easter rolled around. Thus, ham was a natural choice for the celebratory Easter dinner.Mid 1950s ads for Easter ham (and pineapple)