There's an "AD for that" (a vintage one)
April 13, 1959 Life Magazine

I have wonderful memories of the library.
The first library I remember was a converted old brick church in Bellevue - I think I recall that some of the shelves were cardboard that sagged under the weight of the books. When my mom told me they were building a brand new one, I pictured myself helping them walk the books down the hill to the new digs.
I remember somewhat sadly finishing all the Laura Ingalls Wilder books and not knowing what to read next, the children's librarian helped me select one about Helen Keller and I then realized I liked biographies.
When my son was three and started weekly allergy shots, we first stopped at our local library and picked out ten new picture books each time so we had something to look forward to while we waited the required time to see if he'd have a reaction to the shot.
I recently started working in a high school library and it's very satisfying connecting students with materials they want for leisure or need for academics. I wish they would use the library more!
Some believe easily accessible information found on the web is replacing the need for libraries. It's true libraries must adapt to the needs and preferences of their patrons and this gets more and more difficult as budgets get cut. Libraries and library systems are a rich resource that if we don't support and allow to flourish will leave a huge hole in our culture.
Visit the American Library Association and At Your Library for more information about National Library Week.
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