
Facing NE. A few visible landmarks include I 405 (cuts the lower left corner of the photo), I 90 (in the upper left), the LDS Seattle Temple in Eastgate (white structure with peak in the distance), Loehmann's Plaza, and the Cascade Mountain Range.

Facing North. I 405 (upper left) and I 90 (horizontal) interchange

Facing East. Newport Presbyterian Church visible lower right, Sunset Elementary slightly visible top center. Note triangular patch of brush and trees on the other side of I 405 from the church and the swath of trees upper center of photo . . .(see eighth photo)

Facing East. Somerset visible on right.

Facing NE. Visible are Lake Sammamish at the top, Newport High School lower right.

Facing South. Visible are I 90 (horizontal) and I 405 Interchange, Mount Rainier in the distance, Newport Shores on the right and Somerset on the left.
At this time, my Dad doesn't quite recall why he went up again a year and a half later. When I came across these I thought maybe the negatives were dated incorrectly but these photos clearly are during the fall and there has been some construction in the meantime. Including Target which is the large light gray-roofed structure to the right of Mervyn's (white roof).

Facing West. Seattle in the distant background. The East Channel Bridge and some of the Newport Shores neighborhood are visible.

Facing West. Compare this to the third photo - note the white stairstepped buildings in the upper left quarter, the west parking lot, Target and the new lumber structure that was the across from Target (which was the triangular patch of brush and trees described above across I 405 from Newport Presbyterian)

Similar view as above.

Facing North. Downtown Bellevue's increasing skyline in the background.