Visiting Vintage
Vintage, antique, retro photography, postcards, ads or other nostalgic finds. Puget Sound, King County, Seattle history & genealogy
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Dick Hawes U. S. Army 1958-1962
In honor of Veteran's Day I wanted to share this video of my Dad.
Dick Hawes enlisted in the US Army in 1958 and served until 1962. Between September 1958 and October 1959 he was stationed near Seoul, Korea working as a chaplain's assistant. This video includes silent 8 mm home movies of him in addition to some film he captured during his time in the U. S. Army.
YouTube Audio Library selections from US Army Band "The Army Goes Rolling Along", "March Grandioso", "Army Blue", "Salute to a New Beginning", "Stars and Stripes Forever"
Thank you to all men and women who have served.
home movies,
Richard Evan Hawes,
U. S. Army
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Happy Vintage Valentine's Day!!
Yes, I prefer used Valentine's cards. My collection is from the early 1900s.
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Patriotic Postcards
It's a red-white-and-blue kind of weekend! Happy 4th of July!!
Not surprisingly, I like these quaint, vintage patriotic post cards.

Handwritten: "Dear old U. S. A. on the 4th of July. My last cent boys(?)"
COPYRIGHT 1905 THE ULMAN MFG. CO. N.Y. . Postmarked March 1907

"The Star Spangled Banner" Postmarked January 1913
The last three verses of The Star Spangled Banner aren't even vaguely familiar to me.


"WHEN you see the STARS AND STRIPES displayed, son, stand up and take off your hat! Somebody may titter. But don’t you mind! When Old Glory comes along, salute, and let them think what they please! For of all the signs and symbols since the world began, there is never another so full of meaning to mankind as the flag of our country.
That piece of red, white and blue bunting means five thousand years of struggle upward. It is the full blown flower of ages of fighting for liberty. It is the century plant of human hope in bloom.
Our flag stands for no race. It stands for men, men of any blood who will come and live with us under its protection. It is the only banner that means mankind. It is not the flag of our king – it is the flag of ourselves.
OTHER flags mean a glorious past; our flag, a glorious past and a still more glorious future. It is the flag of our fathers, and of our children yet unborn. It is the flag of to-morrow.
It stands for the open door of ambition and opportunity – of equal rights to every one beneath the shadow of its folds.
Our flag waves defiance at all the ghosts that have so long intimidated men: the ghost of monarchy, the ghost of war, and all their kind that still lay shadowy hands upon the life of Europe and Asia.
Listen son! The band is playing ‘The Star Spangled Banner.’ They have let loose Old Glory yonder. Stand up! Some people over there are smiling at us. Stand up, bare your head, lift up your eyes and thank God that you live under that flag, which means the redemption of the world.”

by William Tyler Page. Accepted by House of Representatives, April 3rd, 1918.
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect Union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws; to respect its Flag, and to defend it against all enemies."

Words and Music by Glenn E. Heck
"Tell all the world a-bout it, Stand on your feet and shout it.
Two hun-dred years of lib-er-ty……..
Tell all the world our Sto-ry, two - hun - dred years of glo - ry.
We know the joy of be - ing free. . . . . .
Wake up the world, we're mov-ing, Wake up the world, we're march - ing
on - ward to high-er des-ti-ny. . . . .
Two hun - dred years of free-dom, two hun - dred years of free-dom,
Two hun - dred years of lib - er - ty!
May our na - tion, un - der God, re - mem - ber where our fa-thers
trod and raise our ban - ner proud and free for peo - ple of the
world to see.
- ty. . . . Two hun - dred years of Fine lib - er - ty!"
"200 years of freedom is the official Bicentennial Song of Warner Robins, "Georgia's International City", written in 1975 by Glenn Heck. The arrangements for solo, chorus, barbershop quartette [sic] and band are by Lyle Heck."
Not surprisingly, I like these quaint, vintage patriotic post cards.

COPYRIGHT 1905 THE ULMAN MFG. CO. N.Y. . Postmarked March 1907

"The Star Spangled Banner" Postmarked January 1913
The last three verses of The Star Spangled Banner aren't even vaguely familiar to me.

Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare, the bomb bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
On the shore dimly seen thro’ the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,
A home and a Country should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps’ pollution:
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
Oh, thus be it ever when freemen shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation;
Blest with vict'ry and peace may the Heaven-rescued land
Praise the Pow’r that hath made and preserved us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto - "In God is our trust!"
Written by Francis Scott Key – September 1814
Proclaimed the National Anthem by an Act of Congress – March 3, 1931

"WHEN you see the STARS AND STRIPES displayed, son, stand up and take off your hat! Somebody may titter. But don’t you mind! When Old Glory comes along, salute, and let them think what they please! For of all the signs and symbols since the world began, there is never another so full of meaning to mankind as the flag of our country.
That piece of red, white and blue bunting means five thousand years of struggle upward. It is the full blown flower of ages of fighting for liberty. It is the century plant of human hope in bloom.
Our flag stands for no race. It stands for men, men of any blood who will come and live with us under its protection
OTHER flags mean a glorious past; our flag, a glorious past and a still more glorious future. It is the flag of our fathers, and of our children yet unborn. It is the flag of to-morrow.
It stands for the open door of ambition and opportunity – of equal rights to every one beneath the shadow of its folds.
Our flag waves defiance at all the ghosts that have so long intimidated men: the ghost of monarchy, the ghost of war, and all their kind that still lay shadowy hands upon the life of Europe and Asia.
Listen son! The band is playing ‘The Star Spangled Banner.’ They have let loose Old Glory yonder. Stand up! Some people over there are smiling at us. Stand up, bare your head, lift up your eyes and thank God that you live under that flag, which means the redemption of the world.”

by William Tyler Page. Accepted by House of Representa
"I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect Union, one and inseparabl

Words and Music by Glenn E. Heck
"Tell all the world a-bout it, Stand on your feet and shout it.
Two hun-dred years of lib-er-ty…
Tell all the world our Sto-ry, two - hun - dred years of glo - ry.
We know the joy of be - ing free. . . . . .
Wake up the world, we're mov-ing, Wake up the world, we're march - ing
on - ward to high-er des-ti-ny. . . . .
Two hun - dred years of free-dom, two hun - dred years of free-dom,
Two hun - dred years of lib - er - ty!
May our na - tion, un - der God, re - mem - ber where our fa-thers
trod and raise our ban - ner proud and free for peo - ple of the
world to see.
- ty. . . . Two hun - dred years of Fine lib - er - ty!"
"200 years of freedom is the official Bicentenni
vintage holiday postcard
Saturday, April 23, 2016
As Seen From the Smith Tower
Seattle's Smith Tower's Observation Deck and Chinese Room have not been open to the public since December 4, 2014 according to their calendar here. They are presently closed for renovation. There is no date posted for when they expect to reopen. If you have any "intell" when that will happen, please comment!
From Wikipedia:
For decades, the Smith Tower's observation deck was a favorite vantage point. Check out these old post cards.

"Second Avenue in the business District, as seen from the top of the 42 Story L. C. Smith Building, Seattle, U. S. A."
#3,000 Published by C. P. Johnston Co., Seattle, U. S. A. Copyrighted 1913 by Frank H. Nowell. R-40703 C. T. American Art

"Looking up Second Ave. from Smith Tower, Seattle."
16126 Pub. by The Puget Sound News Co., Seattle, Wash

"Harbor and Second Ave. from Smith Building, Seattle, Washington"
#1756 Edward H. Mitchell, Publisher San Francisco

"Portion of Seattle and Elliott Bay. Queen Anne Hill and Olympic Mountains in Distance."
107872 C. T. American Art Colored. 3014 Published by C. P. Johnston Co., Seattle, U. S. A. mailed 1927

2070:-"A Partial View of Seattle, Wash"
Photo by Asahel Curtis 1930s?

"Seattle Skyline. Viewed from the 42 story Smith Tower. Seattle's Financial district forms the foreground with the waterfront and uptown districts forming a background"
C-59 Ektachrome by Larrie Seifert. General Natural Color. Made by Dexter Press, Inc., West Nyack. N. Y. Pub. By J. Boyd Ellis, Arlington, Wash." It appears the Alaskan Way viaduct is under construction so I'd date this about 1953.

"Seattle, Washington. From Smith Tower's observation platform 35 stories high, is seen this view of busy Seattle, Washington's major city. On the left is a portion of Puget Sound and waterfront." Natural Color from Kodachrome. Mike Roberts Color Production Berkeley 2, California. Published by C. P. Johnston Co., Seattle C971. Postcard mailed June 1954

"Seattle, Washington. Looking North from Smith Observation Tower."
P3789. Plastichrome by Colourpicture Publishers, Inc., Boston 15, Mass., USA, Color by Roger Dudley. Pub. by Smith's Scenic Views, Tacoma, Washington

NEW PROCESS COLORCARD - SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. NATURAL COLOR REPRODUCTION - CURTEICHCOLOR ART-CREATION REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. 7C-K306 (I'd love to find a better photo of that Rainier Beer billboard in the foreground!)

"Seattle, Washington - From Smith Tower's observation platform, 35 stories high, is seen this view of busy Seattle, Washington's major city. On the left is a portion of Puget Sound and waterfront. In center is new Norton Bldg."
Color photo by Max R. Jensen

"Seattle Skyline as viewed from atop the 42 story Smith Tower. The financial district is in the foreground while on the left may be seen the Alaskan Way viaduct which carries through traffic along the waterfront. Lake Union is on the far right."
Ektachrome by Clifford B. Ellis. Published by Ellis Post Card Co., Arlington, Washington 33275-B. C-59 Made by Dexter West Nyack, NY. I believe that black building that appears in this view is the Norton Building which was completed 1959 so I believe this postcard is between 1959-1962
From Wikipedia:
Completed in 1914, the 38-story, 484 ft (148 m) tower is the oldest skyscraper in the city and was the tallest office building west of the Mississippi River until the Kansas City Power & Light Building was built in 1931. It remained the tallest building on the West Coast until the Space Needle overtook it in 1962.
For decades, the Smith Tower's observation deck was a favorite vantage point. Check out these old post cards.

"Second Avenue in the business District, as seen from the top of the 42 Story L. C. Smith Building, Seattle, U. S. A."
#3,000 Published by C. P. Johnston Co., Seattle, U. S. A. Copyrighted 1913 by Frank H. Nowell. R-40703 C. T. American Art

"Looking up Second Ave. from Smith Tower, Seattle."
16126 Pub. by The Puget Sound News Co., Seattle, Wash

"Harbor and Second Ave. from Smith Building, Seattle, Washington"
#1756 Edward H. Mitchell, Publisher San Francisco

"Portion of Seattle and Elliott Bay. Queen Anne Hill and Olympic Mountains in Distance."
107872 C. T. American Art Colored. 3014 Published by C. P. Johnston Co., Seattle, U. S. A. mailed 1927

2070:-"A Partial View of Seattle, Wash"
Photo by Asahel Curtis 1930s?

"Seattle Skyline. Viewed from the 42 story Smith Tower. Seattle's Financial district forms the foreground with the waterfront and uptown districts forming a background"
C-59 Ektachrome by Larrie Seifert. General Natural Color. Made by Dexter Press, Inc., West Nyack. N. Y. Pub. By J. Boyd Ellis, Arlington, Wash." It appears the Alaskan Way viaduct is under construction so I'd date this about 1953.

"Seattle, Washington. From Smith Tower's observation platform 35 stories high, is seen this view of busy Seattle, Washington's major city. On the left is a portion of Puget Sound and waterfront." Natural Color from Kodachrome. Mike Roberts Color Production Berkeley 2, California. Published by C. P. Johnston Co., Seattle C971. Postcard mailed June 1954

"Seattle, Washington. Looking North from Smith Observation Tower."
P3789. Plastichrome by Colourpicture Publishers, Inc., Boston 15, Mass., USA, Color by Roger Dudley. Pub. by Smith's Scenic Views, Tacoma, Washington


"Seattle, Washington - From Smith Tower's observation platform, 35 stories high, is seen this view of busy Seattle, Washington's major city. On the left is a portion of Puget Sound and waterfront. In center is new Norton Bldg."
Color photo by Max R. Jensen

"Seattle Skyline as viewed from atop the 42 story Smith Tower. The financial district is in the foreground while on the left may be seen the Alaskan Way viaduct which carries through traffic along the waterfront. Lake Union is on the far right."
Ektachrome by Clifford B. Ellis. Published by Ellis Post Card Co., Arlington, Washington 33275-B. C-59 Made by Dexter West Nyack, NY. I believe that black building that appears in this view is the Norton Building which was completed 1959 so I believe this postcard is between 1959-1962
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Vintage Easter Greetings
More sweet vintage Easter Postcards!

"Easter Greetings"

"EASTER GREETINGS!" Postmarked April 1914

"Easter Greeting" Postmarked April 1907

"Easter Greetings" Postmarked 1910

"Easter Greetings" Postmarked April 1908
Earlier Easter Goodies!
Easter Finery
More Vintage Easter Postcards
Vintage Easter Postcards
Easter Color!
Western Union Easter Greetings
Easter Fun
Easter Ham
Brach's Easter Candy
Easter Shoes

"Easter Greetings"

"EASTER GREETINGS!" Postmarked April 1914

"Easter Greeting" Postmarked April 1907

"Easter Greetings" Postmarked 1910

"Easter Greetings" Postmarked April 1908
Earlier Easter Goodies!
Easter Finery
More Vintage Easter Postcards
Vintage Easter Postcards
Easter Color!
Western Union Easter Greetings
Easter Fun
Easter Ham
Brach's Easter Candy
Easter Shoes
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Vintage St. Patrick's Day
I don't come across old St. Patrick's Day postcards very often - but these three are sweet and wistful.

"Tho' far from home
Thy children roam
Our hearts can never stray.
Here's love to thee
Dear Old Countree,
On this St. Patrick's Day!"

They say a horse shoe
brings Good Luck,
To those with Bad Luck troubled,
I'm sending TWO to-day, that you
May find your Good Luck DOUBLED.

The Maid of Erin
Erin Go Bragh
Come back to Erin Mavourneen, Mavourneen, Come back Aroonto the land of my birth: Come with the shamrocks and Springtime Mavourneen, And its Killarney shall ring with our mirth. Sure when we left ye to beautiful England, Little we thought of the lone winter days, Little we thought of the hush of the starshine Over the Mountain and bluffs and the brays! Then come back to Erin Mavourneen, Mavourneen, Come back again to the land of my birth - Come back Mavourneen, Mavourneen And its killarney shall ring with our mirth.
You can hear this tune on Youtube

"Tho' far from home
Thy children roam
Our hearts can never stray.
Here's love to thee
Dear Old Countree,
On this St. Patrick's Day!"

They say a horse shoe
brings Good Luck,
To those with Bad Luck troubled,
I'm sending TWO to-day, that you
May find your Good Luck DOUBLED.

The Maid of Erin
Erin Go Bragh
Come back to Erin Mavourneen, Mavourneen, Come back Aroonto the land of my birth: Come with the shamrocks and Springtime Mavourneen, And its Killarney shall ring with our mirth. Sure when we left ye to beautiful England, Little we thought of the lone winter days, Little we thought of the hush of the starshine Over the Mountain and bluffs and the brays! Then come back to Erin Mavourneen, Mavourneen, Come back again to the land of my birth - Come back Mavourneen, Mavourneen And its killarney shall ring with our mirth.
You can hear this tune on Youtube
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Vintage Valentine's Postcards
I don't think my husband feels he needs to buy me a Valentine's card because I buy my own. The vintager the better!
Happy Valentine's Day!!

"True Love Be my Valentine"
Postmarked 1911 To: Lillie Smith Boyertown A.T.D. No. 2 Marysville, Pa "Guess who?"

"Do not doubt my true intentions, only be - My Valentine"
Nash 1909 To: Lillie Smith, Marysville, Pa. "VALENTINE LOVER SERIES"

"To my Valentine"
To: Lillie Smith Marysville. "EG"

"Love's Young Sweet Dream"
Postmarked unreadable. To: Miss Lillie Smith, Boyertown, Pa.
Message: How about Sun.(?) A nice cool place. Was it not. Will be out Wed. Eve. Yours Jesse.

Ain't you glad you found me" To Lillie Smith Boyertown, Pa. Message: I guess you know I am glad I found you. (unsigned)

"I dinks dot you vas von goot girl."
Postmarked 1908 To: Miss Anna Barker 400 W. Staffords St. Germantown, Pa.

"JIM. J-ingling, ringing wedding Bell. I-n every ring a story you tell. M-aking merry beau and belle."


"To My Valentine. Two hearts that Beat as one."
To: Mr. Arden. S. Bloomfield Iowa. Signed M.R.

"GIRLIE Dear, My heart beats faster When I think of your sweet name; May I hope that as you read this, Yours for mine may do the same?"

"Red Roses True Love. Roses speak love The whole world through, That is why I send Roses red to you."

"To my Valentine. I send this token just to tell That nought my heart shall sever Tho' oceans wide we two divide, I'll love you dear for ever." Postmarked 1910 Lynn, Massachusetts To: Mrs. Gertrude Hopkins Dexter Maine. Message reads Dear Trudie - I guess you think I never give you a thought but I think of you a great many times but I am awful lazy in writing to my friends but I hope this card will bring my love to you. I think you ever so much for the pretty card you sent me. With lots of love and best wishes Delia.

"To My Valentine. This simple card of Greetings comes upon this day so fair To bring good wishes from a friend Who's longing to be there." To Murry(?) Doliver(?) from Mary Haught
More Vintage Valentine's
Happy Valentine's Day!!

"True Love Be my Valentine"
Postmarked 1911 To: Lillie Smith Boyertown A.T.D. No. 2 Marysville

"Do not doubt my true intentions
Nash 1909 To: Lillie Smith, Marysville

"To my Valentine"
To: Lillie Smith Marysville

"Love's Young Sweet Dream"
Postmarked unreadable
Message: How about Sun.(?) A nice cool place. Was it not. Will be out Wed. Eve. Yours Jesse.

Ain't you glad you found me" To Lillie Smith Boyertown, Pa. Message: I guess you know I am glad I found you. (unsigned)

"I dinks dot you vas von goot girl."
Postmarked 1908 To: Miss Anna Barker 400 W. Staffords St. Germantown

"JIM. J-ingling, ringing wedding Bell. I-n every ring a story you tell. M-aking merry beau and belle."


"To My Valentine. Two hearts that Beat as one."
To: Mr. Arden. S. Bloomfield Iowa. Signed M.R.

"GIRLIE Dear, My heart beats faster When I think of your sweet name; May I hope that as you read this, Yours for mine may do the same?"

"Red Roses True Love. Roses speak love The whole world through, That is why I send Roses red to you."

"To my Valentine. I send this token just to tell That nought my heart shall sever Tho' oceans wide we two divide, I'll love you dear for ever." Postmarked 1910 Lynn, Massachuse

"To My Valentine. This simple card of Greetings comes upon this day so fair To bring good wishes from a friend Who's longing to be there." To Murry(?) Doliver(?) from Mary Haught
More Vintage Valentine's
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