However, I'm also finding I am entertained by the short little messages written on some. I consider them longer versions of Tweets but shorter versions of the old-fashioned letter. I think most senders don't consider postcards a private way to communicate (like Tweets!). Occasionally I feel like reading postcards purchased on e-Bay is a little like eaves-dropping; the sender probably didn't have an inkling that a stranger half a century later would read them. And not only read them but share these quaint correspondences featuring the Space Needle.
Ruth (and Al) write a sweet note to Mrs. Alwin Ginter in Connecticut July 1968,
"Went up in this the other day. Then took Inside Passage boat trip. The scenery was beautiful, mountains right down to the water. Resting up for trip home now."

the card front:

I can just imagine Mrs. Ginter upon receiving this in New England, quickly telephoning up their mutual neighbor whom I am pretending is named Mildred and relaying the lovely time their dear friend is having in the remote, newly settled, Pacific Northwest.
Grandma visiting the World's Fair reports behaving like a child July 1962 (her postcard is even postmarked from the Space Needle) to her family in Hawaii,
"Dear Brandeberrys, Arrived Friday 4 PM so rushed to the fair like any kid. Stood in line over an hour to get on the Needle. Beautiful country."
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From Seattle Postcards |

These last two have the same postcard photo:

December 1966, Daddio writes Hugh in Virginia,
"Your ever-loving pappy is going to have dinner atop the Needle tonite. I hear it is almost as good as McDonnels. Be good & I'll bring you a popsicle."
I don't know if he is referring to McDonald's but that's what I'm imagining so that gave me a chuckle considering the price comparison between the two restaurants.

But this one is my very favorite of this group - I think it's also 1966 and sent to Mr. McCormick in Illinois.
"'Der Feuhreur' forced me to up to the top of this idiotic nonsensical senseless Rube Goldberg monstrocity before supper yesterday. No wonder I had horrible nightmares all night. They take you up & down in an elevator that goes up & down in a glass tube. Phoey! In Portland today Wed. Met Fr. Schulze of Gordon Tech HS 1 hr ago. We leave for Frisco Thurs. PM. Now at Hilton Portland Hotel."

What a hoot! I hope she was able to forgive "Der Feuhreur's" coercion and enjoy the rest of their West Coast vacation.
I think I have to learn how to write clever postcards in case any of mine happen to be read half a century later.