Bellevue was incorporated March 31, 1953.

"Incorporation of Bellevue as 3rd Class City operating under Council Manager form of Government." Fee $5.00
I haven't purchased very many Bellevue postcards but these are in my collection. My favorite mid century King County photographer Max R. Jensen took most of them.

"Bellevue, Washington. One of the attractive and prosperous cities on the eastern shores of Lake Washington. Shopping Center in left distance." Clifford B. Ellis. Mailed November 1963

"Bellevue, Washington, located on the east side of Lake Washington, is the state's fourth largest city. A section of the main business district of this suburban city is seen." Color Photo: Max R. Jensen.
I've been having fun comparing these next two. They're both after 1969. You can see the SeaFirst building in the distance in Seattle which was dedicated March 28, 1969. (It's possible the top one might be as early as 1968 - the building stage of SeaFirst). The top postcard shows J. J. Newberry's in the center. The bottom one has Friedlander & Son's (Jeweler). The August 30, 1972 Seattle Times writes Friedlander & Son would open it's Bellevue Square store soon. The top postcard has "The Pacific National Bank of BELLEVUE" next to "House of Fabrics". In the bottom postcard it appears the portion of the building "House of Fabrics" was located has been removed to build a drive-through for "Pacific National Bank of WASHINGTON". "Baskin & Robbins 31 Flavors" is visible in the bottom postcard (the very lower left). The strip mall on the far left looks like it's being remodeled in the lower postcard. The clock on the street (in front of Newberry's/Friedlander's) is white/gray in the top postcard and brown in the lower one. I would love more observations or date estimates about these postcards that you notice.

"Bellevue, Washington, located on the east side of Lake Washington is now the fourth largest city in the State. This complete, suburban shopping center, seen here, is easily accessible by the residents of Bellevue and the neighboring communities." B632 - Color photo by Max R. Jensen.

"Bellevue, Washington, located on the east side of Lake Washington is now the fourth largest city in the State. This complete, suburban shopping center, seen here, is easily accessible by the residents of Bellevue and the neighboring communities." B5556 - Color photo by Max R. Jensen.
And if you haven't already (or recently) viewed Bellevue, Washington: Over the Bridge to Gracious Living - don't miss it.
You might also be interested in my earlier posts about Bellevue which can be found here:
Bellevue 1987