Parker Brother's Little Noddy's Taxi Game, Wonder Horse Regular, Transograms' Little Country Doctor and Little Play Nurse kits, Ideal's Turbo Jet Car, Dietz Electric Comet Lanterns, "Lone Ranger" Cowboy Guitar, Walco Bead-a-Basket and Coaster Kit, Tru-Vue 3D Gift Set (Viewmaster?).

S. L. Allen & Co., Inc. Flexible Flyer, Kid Size Samsonite by Shwayder Bros., Inc, Cindy Mardi Gras Doll by Horsman Dolls, Jig Saw Jr. by Gurgess Vibrocrafters, Transogram's Lady Lovely Plastic Beauty Kit, Parker Brothers' "Going to Jerusalem", Washable and sanitary Petal Craft, Wilkening MFG's Mr. Wiggle (Slinky?)
Metal Ware Corp.'s "Little Lady" Electric Range, Ideal's "Betsy Wetsy" Doll, Parker Brother's Monopoly, Auburn Rubber Company's Early American Frontier Set, Glolite's Glolite Outdoor Candles, Wonder Products, Original Deluxe Wonder Horse, Parker Brothers' Sorry, Jet Jumper
Hasbro: Hassenfeld Bros., Inc.'s Mickey Mouse Club "Loony-Kins", Jewelry Craft, The Merry Milkman Toy and Game, Mickey Mouse Club Oil Paint-by-Number Set, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head (vegetables not included!), Little Miss Seamstress Necchi Sewing Kit, "Two for the Money" TV Quiz at home, and Pencil Craft Painting Set.
Olin Mathieson chemical Corp.'s Winchester Junior Roller Skates, Daisy Manufacturing Co.'s Daisy Bronco Holster Set, Milton Bradley's "Go to the Head of the Class", Huffman's Customliner 2424 by Huffy, Union Wadding's Sparkl-Tex, Transogram's Jackie Gleason's "And Away We Go" TV Fun Game, Plastic Block City Inc.'s "Block City", American Metal Specialties Corp.'s Amsco TV Snack Cart
Pressman Toy Corp.'s "Confucius Say" Magnetic Quiz Game, Junior Toy Corporation's AMF Junior Roadmaster, Kalamazoo Sled Company's Champion Flying Disc, Milton Bradley's Redskin Finger Paints, Cadaco-Ellis' Foto Electric Football Game, Vanity Fair Electronic Corp.'s Mickey Mounse Club Portable Phonograph, Aluminum Model Toys, Inc.'s Scale Model Continental Mark II, and Pickwick Sales Corp.'s Cricket Toy Tune Series
Plastic Block City, Inc. Buckley Irish Mail, Emenee's Golden Banjo, Milton Bradley's "Game of the States", On-a-Lite XMas Lights, Halsam's American Skyline H.O. Scale construction kit, Transogram's Tak-A-Peg Desk-ette Outfit, Junior Toy Corporation's AMF Junior Trike, American Artists' Color Works Inc.'s Color Festival
Milton Bradley's "Easy Money", Pert Pat Products, Inc.'s Pert Pat Doll Furniture Set #5, Daisy Manufacturing Co.'s Daisy Frontier Scouting Kit, Arthur Brown and Bro Inc.'s "Learn to Draw" Outfit, Hurley's Fire Truck, Cadaco-Ellis Inc.'s Thirteen, Rice Mills Inc., "Little Bride", Samuel Gabriel Sons & Co.'s Fiddlestraws
Purchase at these fine merchants
It's interesting you know, I was born in '84, but I feel like the mid-50s toys featured here are much more in line with those I had as a child (compared to those on the market for youngsters today, I mean). Growing up I had a springy bouncy horse (it might have been my brother's, come to think of it, but we all played with it), a doll that was similar to "Cindy", a ply doctor's bag set that looks a lot like the black one here, wooden sleds, the game Sorry, and Mr. Potato Head. They were all marvelous playthings and were used and loved almost until they fell apart. Thank you very much for the wonderful trip down memory lane.
♥ Jessica
Thanks for the comment, Jessica. Lots of classics on this wish list. I remember in the early 70's the rare occasion (honestly!) that my sister and I tried to peek through wrapped presents under the tree - there was a game board sized one and we could read "of the" - we got all excited because there was a a fancy electronic game called "Voice of the Mummy" so we hoped we were getting that. It turned out to be "Go to the Head of the Class" - the educational game on the fifth image here. We were a bit disappointed! So that one was around at least another decade and a half.
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